The Human Factor and Its Design SC-4

 Section 4 Human Factors and Design

1. The human factor

The relationship between human lacquer engineering and environmental behaviour is very close, and there is a considerable overlap in the content of their research, and we can accurately say that the interaction between people, behaviour and the material environment is a joint study of environmental behaviour and ergonomics including ergonomics. In 1995, at the Nanjing Conference on Environmental Ergonomics and Cognitive Ergonomics. After reading a report on the assessment of the living environment in Shanghai in collaboration, most of the participants believed that the study of circumferential mirrors belongs to a branch of ergonomics. I think there is independence between the two, which is reflected in the fact that environmental behaviour is more concerned about the interaction between preparation, evaluation, culture and environment, in order to understand the new picture of the interaction between behaviour and the material social environment and optimize it in the process of application. Ergonomics emphasizes the relationship between physiology and anatomy and the work and physical environment, so as to illustrate human abilities and limits and infer better designs. Ergonomics and environmental behaviour are not the domain of love, but the network of the environment and the environment. They are all part of the university department "The Relationship between Humans and the Environment". All of them used to use "human tea" as the name of each discipline. The deceased are all about the human element of environmental design. However, the content of environmental behaviour is broader than ergonomics.

    2. Human factors and design

From the design angle, ergonomics mainly provides designers with a correct understanding of the system through the study of people, furniture, facilities, and suffocation machine environmental systems, so that designers can use ergonomic knowledge in design to actively create safe, healthy, high-value and comfortable work and life environments. Specifically, ergonomics can provide a design with:

    Under the guidance:

        1) Provide a design basis for determining the scope of activity space;

        2) Provide a basis for furniture design;

        3) Provide a design basis for the optimization of environmental systems;

        4) make the design consider the prevention of accidents;

        5) Provide ergonomic concepts and design guidance for the design of important types of environments such as residences, offices, schools, etc.;

    Ergonomics can also be provided to guide the design of environmental behaviour, environmental behaviour can also be designed to provide such as:

    Under the guidance:

        1) Analyse the activity functions in different environments, propose design outlines and guidelines, and determine the design task book;

        2) Analyse the ongoing design to understand the environmental and visual impact of the project after completion;

        3) Evaluate the built environment to understand the success and failure of the design;

        4) Provide design basis for the environment of groups with different cultural and social backgrounds.

    3. The content and composition of this book
     This book does not attempt to outline a grand system involving ergonomics and environmental behaviour, but rather hopes to provide some introduction to the issues of concern in architecture and environmental design. The content of this book will focus on ergonomics and introduce some of the results of environmental behaviour research, so this book should not be regarded as a complete work on environmental practice, but only a part of the knowledge introduced in the book. After all, environmental practice is too broad for anyone. To enable students to apply this basic knowledge in construction and environmental design to actively create safe, healthy, productive, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and pleasant living and working environments.

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